Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

Archive 2016


Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 19 no 4 (76) December 2016

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Table of contents

Click on the links below to read the articles:

1. Gift and Duty Configurations Within the Family Environment (p. 3-12)

Authors: Alin Sebastian Godeanu, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

2. Experiential Learning With a Role in Decreasing Traffic Aggressiveness (p. 13-16)

Authors: Roxana Maier, Emil Răzvan Gâtej, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, “Hyperion” University, Bucharest, Romania

3. Psychotraumatology Aspects Highlighted in Personal and Trasngenerational History of Professional Foster Parents, in Relation to Career Choice (p. 17-34)

Author: Marinela-Carmen Grigore, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work Department, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa, Romania

4. The Psychology of Religious Representations - Development and Implications for Psychotherapy (p. 35-40)

Author: Alexandru F. Popovici, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

5. The Effectiveness of NLP: Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Single Subject - Data for One Session of NLP Coaching (p. 41-58)

Authors: Jaap Hollander*, Oliver Malinowski**

*Institute for Eclectic Psychology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
**Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

6. Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) for PTSD - a case series (p. 59-70)

Authors: Richard M. Gray, Bruce Teall, The Research and Recognition Project, Corning, New York

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 19 no 3 (75) September 2016

Price: 40 RON  Buy now


Table of contents

Click on the links below to read the articles:

1. The Effects of Experiential Learning upon the Reactions of Drivers in Case of a Side-Slip (p. 3-7)

Authors: Emil Răzvan Gâtej, Roxana Maier, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, “Hyperion” University, Bucharest, Romania

2. Research on the Use of Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) in Clinical Assessment of Children with a History of Abuse (p. 8-13)

Author: Gabriela Marc, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

3. Emotional Intelligence and Marital Satisfaction (p. 14-19)

Author: Teodora C. Anghel, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş”,Timişoara

4. The “Embedding Metaphor”. The Emotional and Sensitive Dimensions of Zygmunt Bauman’s Scientifical Metaphors (p. 20-29)

Author: Ion Cosmovici, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

5. The Use of Clean Language and Metaphor in Helping Clients Overcoming Procrastination (p. 30-36)

Authors: Judy Rees*, Alexandru Ioan Manea**


**Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

6. Removal of PTSD Symptoms in a Client Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming - a case history (p. 37)

Author: Bruce Grimley, Achieving Lives Ltd.

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 19 no 2 (74) June 2016

Price: 40 RON  Buy now


Table of contents

Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. What Do the Cards Tell Me about – Melo-Therapeutic Experience Focused on Developing Emotional Intelligence (p. 3-13)

Author: Laura E. Năstasă, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology and Education Training Department, Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania

2. The Fractal Technique – A Way to Acces the Unconscious and to Reduce Stress (p. 14-22)

Author: Raluca Maria Simion, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

3. Therapeutic Complementarities between Acupuncture and Psychotherapy (p. 23-30)

Author: Ştefan Costescu, Acumedica Center for Integrative Medicine, Bucharest, Romania

4. The Sound of Intelligence (p. 31-39)

Author: Daniela Panait, Monica-Iuliana Popescu, Livica Frăţiman, Faculty of Psychosociology, Psychology Department, „Andrei Şaguna” University, Constanţa, Romania

5. Using the Nottingham Health Profile with Cancer Patients: Factorial Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Romanian Adapted Version (p. 40-50)

Author: Claudiu C. Papasteri, Ioana M. Neagoe, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania


VOL 19 no 1 (73) March 2016


Price: 40 RON  Buy now


Table of contents

Click on the links below to read the articles:

1. Relationships are Constructed from Generalized Unconscious Social Images Kept in Steady Locations in Mental Space (p. 3-16)

Author: Lucas A.C. Derks*, Walter O. Oetsch**, Wolfgang Walker***

* International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, Nijmegen, Netherlands

** „Johannes Kepler” University of Linz, Austria

*** International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, Berlin, Germany

2. Psychological Counseling and Developing Resilience for Young People with Psychological Trauma in Childhood or Adolescence (p. 17-21)

Author: Rodica G. Enache, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work Department, „Ovidius” University, Constanţa, Romania

3. The Experiential Orientation, a Good Practice Model in the Assessment and Profesional Training of Foster Parents in Romania (p. 22-38)

Author: Marinela-Carmen Grigore­, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work Department, „Ovidius” University, Constanţa, Romania­

4. The Coherent Narration in the Construction of a Movie – Specific Case – Feature Movie „Illegitimate” (p. 39-42)

Author: Roxana Maier, Faculty of Journalism, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology and Educational Sciences Department, „Hyperion” University, Bucharest, Romania

5. Gender Identity: Exchangeable Roles and Parental Attachment (p. 43-53)

Author: Angelica Hîrju, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania