Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

Archive 2019

88 coperta

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 22 no. 4 (88) December 2019

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. emotionSync®: Solving Dysfunctional Cognitions by Reversing Pavlovian Conditioning (p. 3-8)
Author: Christian Hanisch
European Business Ecademy, Goslar; Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN), Managua, Republic of Nicaragua, Central America; International School of Psychology; UCN Representative Office Berlin, Germany

2. Therapeutic Letters within an Unifying Experiential Intervention – a Way of Healing Through Creative Writing. Case study (p. 9-16)
Author: Vasile Constantin
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

3. The Relationship between Parental Styles, Anger Management, and Cognitive-Emotional Coping Mechanisms in Adolescents (p. 17- 24)
Author: Roxana Radomir-Belițoiu
Timișoara, Romania

4. Experiential Teaching Style. A Modern Approach to the Teacher-Student Interaction in the Instructional Process (p. 25-32)
Author: Camelia Mădălina Răducu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

5. The Perception of Death and the Attachment Style Developed in Couple Relationship (p. 33-42)
Author: Teodor Matei Huiu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

6. Parenting Mythology  (p. 43-52)
Author: Cristina Denisa Godeanu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

7. Info  (p. 52-64)


 Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 22 no. 3 (87) September 201987 coperta revista

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. Dreaming Consciousness in Phenomenology and Depth Psychology (p. 3-11)
Authors: Csaba Szummer*, Attila Almási**, Iszáj Fruzsina*
*Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
**Multidisciplinary for Psychedelic Studies, Hungary

2. Erich Fromm – a Therapeutic Vision Well Ahead of its Time. Erich Fromm’s Contribution to Experiential Psychotherapy (p. 12-19)
Author: Cristina Enescu (Matei)
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest


3. The Psychotherapeutic Process from the Therapists’ Perspective: Personality, Therapeutic Alliance and Theoretical Orientation (p. 20-28)
Author: Angelica Hîrju
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania


4. Constructing a Safer Space for Queer Aesthetics in Psychotherapy: a Cooperative Inquiry Approach (p. 29-45)
Author: Daniel A. Petre
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania


5. Mindfulness-Based Couples and Family Therapy: a Literature Review (p. 46-59)
Author: Maria Gemescu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

6. Traditional versus Experiential Learning. A Comparative Microstudy of Instructional Techniques on Children’s Achievement in Primary School (p. 60-67)
Author: Camelia Mădălina Răducu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania



85 coperta revista 85 SPER fata

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 22 no 2 (86) June 2019

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:

1. Effectiveness of Treatment of Veterans with PTSD: a Critical Review (p. 3-14) 
Author: Robert Holmes*, Ian Snape**
*Neurocoaching Australia. Canberra, ACT, Australia
**Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

2. Stress and Coping Strategies among Teachers in Gymnasium Schools (p. 15-23)
Authors: Marcela Popescu*, Alina Cîrjă**, Ancuța Duminică*
*Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania
**Faculty of Educational Sciences, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Bucharest, Romania

3. Mental Health and Adverse Psychosocial Factors in Cardiovascular Patients. An Exploratory and Descriptive Study (p. 24-30)
Author: Andreea Elena Mustață
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

4. A Clinical and Projective Approach to the Mourning Process in the Family System  (p. 31-38)
Authors: Elena Otilia Vladislav*, Rozeta Drăghici**
*Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania
**“Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Bucharest, Romania

5. The Development of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem through an Experiential Unifying Psychotherapeutic Intervention in Adolescents (p. 39-50)
Author: Anita V. Dănciulescu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

6. Info (p. 51)


85 coperta revista 85 SPER fata

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 22 no 1 (85) March 2019

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. Using a Behavioral Model of Excellence to Improve Organizational Performance: Benefits and Pitfalls (p. 3-10)

Author: Terrence L. McClendon
NLP LifeSets, Australia


2. Rewarding Self-Liberation. The Use of NLPt in Lifestyle Improvement and Weight-Control (p. 11-20)

Author: Roland Kasek
Institute of Psychology, KRE-BTK, Budapest, Hungary

3. Early Maladaptive Schemas and Behavioral Coping Mechanisms in Relationship with Bulimic Symptomatology (p. 21-29)

Author: Roxana Radomir-Belițoiu
Timișoara, Romania

4. Depression in Children Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Aggressive Behavior and Impairments in Peer Relationships as Predictors (p.30-38)

Authors: Geanina Cucu-Ciuhan*, Anita Valentina Dănciulescu**
*Department of Psychology, Communication Sciences and Social Work, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Social Sciences and Psychology, University of Pitești, Romania
**Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

5. Effects of Mindfulness Techniques on Oncological Adolescent Patients – a Qualitative Psychological Study (p. 39-48)

Authors: Ioana-Valentina Neacșu*, Elena Otilia Vladislav**
*P.A.V.E.L. Association, Bucharest, Romania
**Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania

6. The Maternal Postnatal Disorders – Assessment and Intervention from a Maternological Perspective (p. 49-62)

Authors: Simina Angelescu, Daniela Marincaş
The Franco-Romanian Association “Bébé Bienvenu”, Bucharest, Romania

7. Info (p. 63)