Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

Guidelines for Authors



Studies, original research, Romanian and international scientific contributions in the field of personal development, counseling, experiential psychotherapy, therapy of unification, standard and experiential psychodiagnosis applied in the assistance offered to adults, children, teenagers, couples, families, transgenerational relationships, organizations and collectivities, as well as modern research in clinical and extra-clinical field, in the recovery or prevention of the psychic and psychosomatic dysfunctions and disorders can be sent in order to be published in the Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy.

Articles are to be sent as manuscripts in English (title, abstract, key-words and text of the article). The standards used for publication are those included in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, fourth edition.

An article should not exceed 25 pages (A4 format, single line spacing, Times New Roman Font, Size 10). It is compulsory for the article to contain:

  1. full name of author or authors, as well as their affiliation and e-mail contact;
  2. abstract, which cannot exceed 300 words;
  3. maximum 5 key-words;
  4. full text of the article;
  5. references;
  6. tables/illustrations

The authors will mandatory send the AFFIDAVIT, along with the article.

All articles will be sent by e-mail at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Title of the article. Titles should be short, specific and descriptive. They should emphasize the main idea of the article and should not contain any statements. The length of the title, including punctuation and spaces, must not be longer than 150 characters (the ideal length is under 100 characters).

Authors. The authors’ first name, capital letter of the second name and last name, without scientific, didactic or military degrees (for instance, Marius N. Vasilescu)

The authors will mention the institutional affiliation and the department by including no more than 2 institutions for each author.

Footnote with the corresponding author’s contact information (full address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address). All contact information will be published in the journal, unless a specific request is forwarded by the author in order not to publish the data mentioned previously.

The abstract must not be longer than 300 words and must contain 5 paragraphs entitled:

  1. Introduction,
  2. Objectives,
  3. Methods,
  4. Results,
  5. Conclusions.

Key-words. One will use a maximum of 5 words (and a minimum of 3), which must not be included in the title.

Articles are organized as the following:

  1. Introduction (no more than 25% of the text). Please consider the following: the importance of the topic; the connection of the paper with other studies or research concerning the same theme; objectives and hypotheses of the present study; the practical and theoretical implication of the study.
  2. Method. In this section, the manner in which the study was conducted should be accurately described. One should mention: participants, instruments, procedure and experimental design.
  3. Results should be concisely presented. Tables and illustrations should not repeat the text.
  4. Discussions are aimed to set the results in a context and to prepare the authors’ conclusions. The information from Introduction or Results must not be repeated unless they need to be better explained. Discussions must also include a comparison between the results obtained and other studies from literature, with explanations and hypotheses on noticed differences, comments on the importance of the study and the current status of the investigated subject, unsolved problems and questions to be answered in the future.
  5. Conclusions
  6. Bibliography. The reference list must only include references cited within the text.


The citation must be accomplished according to the APA standards. See the examples below:


For an entire book

Author A. A. (1967). Title of work. Location: Publishing House.

Author, A. A. (1997). Title of work. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx

Book chapter, print version

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B (1995). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, &. C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publishing House.

Electronic-only book

Author, A.  (1995). Title of work. Retrieved from

Journal article

Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Retrieved from http://ojs.lib.swin.

Light, M. A., & Light, I.H. (2008). the geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the Unites States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.

Journal article with DOI

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status and the survival times of terminally ill patients.  Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. Doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225


In-text citation must be edited as it follows:

  • The author’s name and the year must be mentioned. For shown in Mitrofan (1993) or described by Godeanu (1999)
  • If there are two authors of the same paper, they will both be mentioned each time the in-text citation is accomplished. For shown in Mitrofan, Godeanu (2004)
  • If two or more authors with the same name are included in the references list, the initials of the first author will be mentioned throughout the text in order to avoid confusions. For instance:

Mitrofan, I., Mitrofan, N. (2001). Couple psychology. Bucharest: SPER.

Mitrofan, L. (2000). Friendship. Bucharest: SPER.

The in-text citation should consist of: I. Mitrofan and Mitrofan (2001) and L. Mitrofan

  • If the paper to be cited has three, four or five authors, they will all be cited for the first time in the text: Mitrofan, Godeanu, Mecu and Gheorghiu (2007)and in the next in-text citations, only the first author’s name should be written, followed by ”et al”, namely: Mitrofan et al. (2009).
  • When more authors are involved, the citation will contain the word “and” before the last author’s name, as in the example above.
  • If the paper has six or more authors, only the first author’s name should be written, followed by “et al.”, namely Mitrofan et al. (2009).
  • If 2 citations with more than 3 authors have an identical first author (or the first two or three), as many names as necessary will be mentioned in order to distinguish between the cited sources, as in the example:

Mitrofan, Godeanu, Mecu, Gheorghiu, Mînzat and Stancu (2007)

Mitrofan, Godeanu, Dindelegan and Gheorghiu (2007)

The in-text citation will mention

Mitrofan, Godeanu, Mecu, Gheorghiu, et al. (2007) for the first citation

Mitrofan, Godeanu, Dindelegan, et al. (2007) for the second citation


The use of Italic, the correct placement of punctuation and the general aspect of the text must observe all rules mentioned above. This is a compulsory and eliminatory condition.

The text must be edited in "Word doc".

Use as little formatting commands as possible:

  • The text should be introduced continuously (no spaces);
  • One must not use different font types in order to emphasize the text;
  • The importance of a word or phrase should be emphasized by bolding it;
  • One should only use the "Enter" key in order to mark the end of the paragraphs, subtitles, lists etc;
  • One should use the "Tab" key in order to mark paragraphs instead of the "Space Bar" key.
  • Charts, tables and photographs should be directly inserted in the text.


Please note!
For authors whose first language is not English, we request that you have your work proof read prior to submission by a certified translator or a native English speaker (it is best for the translator to be familiar with the psychological concepts).
Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of English.