Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

Archive 2018

84 coperta revista

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 21 no 4 (84) December 2018

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. Ego Development as Experiential Framework in Psychotherapy (p. 3 - 9)

Authors: R. Elliott Ingersoll, Heather Keppen
Cleveland State University

2. The Risk of Ambiguity in Metaphors  (p. 10 - 13)

Author: Alexandra G. Efthimiadou
Partner of Synolic® Development Systems and founder of nlpgreece®

3. mBIT as an Experiential Coaching and Therapeutic Approach in Stress Management and Resilience Building – a series of case studies (p. 14 - 22)

Authors: Suzanne Henwood*, Grant Soosalu**, Alexandru Ioan Manea***
**mBIT International Pty Ltd
***Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

4. The Relation between Anxiety, Automatic Thoughts Adjustment and Emotional Control (p. 23 - 28)

Author: Teodor Vasile
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest

5. The Feminine Identarian Archetype – a Symbolic-Experiential Perspective Revealed within the Creative Improvisation through Literature (p. 29 - 36)

Author: Vasile Constantin
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest

6. Understanding the Repetitive Transgenerational Life Scenarios in the Case of Professional Foster Parents (p. 37 - 50)

Author: Marinela Carmen Grigore
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ovidius University, Constanta

7. Info (p. 51)



83 coperta revista 83 SPER COD DE BARE OK FATA max 2 MB

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 21 no 3 (83) September 2018

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. A Developmental View of the Personal Psychological Journey (p. 3 - 21)

Authors: Jon Freeman
Spiral Futures, Future Considerations, Salisbury, UK

2. Therapeutic Presence in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy  (p. 22 - 32)

Author: Marni L. Feuerman
Florida, U.S.A.

3. Antenatal and Postpartum Psychological Intervention. Case Study. (p. 33 - 42)

Author: Diana A. Iordăchescu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

4. Using Experiential Metaphors in Assessing Self-Image in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (p. 43 - 50)

Author: Geanina Cucu-Ciuhan
Department of Psychology, Communication Sciences and Social Work, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Social Sciences and Psychology, University of Pitești, Romania

5. A Case Study on Coming Out: Theoretical and Practical Implications for Psychological Counseling (p. 51 - 59)

Author: Iuliana E. Molnar
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

6.Mental Space Psychology – a Review of some Clinical Experiments and their Neuroscientific Background (p. 60 - 70)

Authors: Claudia Wilimzig*, Lucas Derks**
*Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN), Managua, Republic of Nicaragua, Central America, International School of Psychology, UCN Representative Office Berlin, Germany
**Society for Mental Space Psychology, International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, Nijmegen, Netherlands, Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy

7.The Use of Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) in the Treatment of Psoriasis Induced Skin Eruption – a Case Study (p. 71 - 81)

Authors: John Martin Moore*, Alexandru Ioan Manea**
*The Association for IEMT Practitioners, UK
**Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania 

8. Info (p. 82)



Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 21 no 2 (82) June 201882 coperta revista 82 SPER COD DE BARE OK FATA max 2 MB

Price: 40 RON  Buy now

Table of contents


Click on the links below to read the articles:


1. The Analysis of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy from a Clean Language Perspective (p. 3-20)

Authors: James Lawley*, Penny Tompkins*, Alexandru Ioan Manea**
*The Developing Company, UK
**Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

2. Understanding the Lightning Process Approach to CFS/ME; a Review of the Disease Process and the Approach (p. 21-28)

Authors: Phil Parker*, Jacqui Aston**, Fiona Finch***
*School of Psychology, London Metropolitan University, UK,
**London, UK, ***Bath, UK

3. Elements Aiming to Optimize Coping Strategies in Pupils by the Use of Interventional Programmes (p. 29-39)

Author: Marcela Popescu
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

4. Evaluating Different Dimensions of Gay and Lesbian Identities: a Comparative Study (p. 40-50)

Author: Iuliana E. Molnar
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania


5. Understanding Human Consciousness: Theory and Application (p. 51-61)

Author: Maretha Prinsloo
Cognadev, UK

6. Info (p. 63)


Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy

VOL 21 no 1 (81) March 201881 coperta revista 81

Price: 40 RON  Buy now


Table of contents



Click on the links below to read the articles:


1.  emotionSync®, EMDR, REM Sleep, NLP and the Horizontal Eight (p. 3-11)

Author: Claudia Wilimzig
Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN), Managua, Republic of Nicaragua, Central America; International School of Psychology; UCN Representative Office Berlin, Germany

2. Neuro-Linguistic Perspective of Long- and Short-Term Psychotherapy of Grief. Theoretical Background, Method and Case-Studies (p. 12-23)

Author: Przemysław Turkowski M.A., M.Sc.
Polish Society for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy, Section of Research and Science

3. mBIT as an Experiential Coaching and Therapeutic approach, a series of case studies and scientific background (p. 24-33)

Authors: Grant Soosalu*, Suzanne Henwood**, Alexandru Ioan Manea***
*mBIT International Pty Ltd, Australia
**mBraining4Success, New Zealand
***Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

4. Engaging for Performance: Measuring Change in a Multi-Dimensional Leadership Development Program (p. 34-45)

Authors: Paul Stillman, Joshua Freedman, Tommaso Procicchiani
Six Seconds, U.S.A.

5. Using the Intelligence of the Experiential Mind in Decoding Facial Expressions (p. 46-54)

Author: Ioana M. Neagoe
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania